Welcome to Emmy Goggin’s Website

Where creativity flourishes


Week 7 Summary

The first thing that I would like to put in my thoughts is the second peer teaching of the semester; in the first day of the peer teaching I thought I did well in teaching my peers about Twine. I believe that I have done well because of the wholesome support and comments on what I have taught. The second thing is the second day of the peer teaching. Although I didn’t teach that day, my thoughts for that day are that I thought I learned well from my other peer teachers. My favorite thing that I was taught was video editing, it Is my favorite thing that I was taught because the peer who was teaching it gave good advice as to how to do video edit. And finally, when I learned about what to do about the project I’ll be working on. Which is where I share what I am working on with other peers, it was a ton of a good time talking about my project along with my other peers projects.

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